
The Academy at MCBS and Oman Invetsment and Finance Company Mark the End of Growth Programme

Roundup Thursday 18/August/2022 10:03 AM
By: Times News Service
The Academy at MCBS and Oman Invetsment and Finance Company Mark the End of Growth Programme

Muscat: The Academy, Center for Professional Studies at Modern College of Business and Science has welcomed Oman Investment and Finance Company management and employees for a graduation ceremony on completion of the “Growth Programme”.

Growth programme is a course that has been specially designed for Khedmah OIFC professionals and employees of different profiles. It consisted of a few courses that empowered the employees to pursue higher positions and/or different career paths. English language, Information Technology, and customer service were a spring board; soft skills like time management, communication, leadership and negotiation gave the participants relevant soft skills while Marketing and Human Resources helped OIFC employees gain more information in each area and thus continue their career path more equipped with relevant knowledge and skills.

Senior management of both MCBS and Khedmah addressed the participants and congratulated them on successful completion of the course, taking charge of their educational development and career growth. Dr Said Al Kittani, an MCBS Associate Dean, spoke about The Academy and its purpose, current work environment and the employee profile. The Academy, he stated, is a practical response to the society training and development needs. Dr Said emphasized that, in the ever-changing work environment – the one that relies more and more on machines and innovation – an employee must be flexible and adaptable.

Mr Saud Al Siyabi thanked The Academy team as well as Khedma’s HR team for the hard work and successful programme completion. He said that there is a need to embrace change than ever and emphasized how proud he is that so many people worked hard for many months which, in his opinion, is the proof that the change in his company is coming.

Khedmah and The Academy will no doubt continue their cooperation in educating Omanis and preparing them for work environment challenges which, they all agreed, will be turned into opportunities.