Environment Authority signed 3 agreements to fund environment conservation initiatives

T TV Sunday 08/January/2023 20:44 PM
By: Times TV
Environment Authority signed three agreements with OQ.

The Environment Authority today signed three agreements with Global Integrated Energy Company (OQ) to finance initiatives on environment conservation.

The first agreement deals with the realisation of OQ Green Initiative, which seeks to expand greenery by planting 250,000 trees. The initiative is undertaken within the context of the National Initiative of Planting 10 million trees, which kicked off on 8 January 2020.

The second agreement lends support to Al Saleel National Park.

The third agreement supports the initial response Unit for reporting oil pollution incidents in the Governorate of Musandam. The agreements were signed by Dr. Abdullah Ali Al Amri, Chairman of the Environment Authority, and Talal Hamid Al Aufi, CEO of OQ.