The Holy Month of Ramadan is an ideal time for self introspection. We constantly remain worried about so many things in life and Ramadan gives us an opportunity to overcome those worries and focus on improving ourselves. Instead of remaining confined to your daily rigmaroles, think about the bigger purpose of life. Set aside some time every day to think about how you can improve your life. If you focus inwards, pray to the Almighty with a clean heart and mind and plan to improve your life, Ramadan is the right time for this transformation.
Spending more time at home due to fasting can lead to reduced activity levels throughout Ramadan, but it is important to keep your body moving. Exercise has great health benefits and regular movement keeps the blood pumping around the body which is essential for healthy skin and your overall well-being. Health professionals advise building up your exercise levels gradually so you don’t put too much strain on your body. A brisk walk before Iftar or some light stretching to keep active throughout the holy month would be good.
Words of Wisdom
"And He found you lost and guided [you]. And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient.” — Quran 93:7-8
Fasting Health Tip
While fasting use cucumber in your daily diet in different variations. It is one of the best hydrating fruits and helps in digestion while revitalising you. You can add them to your salad, make a refreshing cold soup, or prepare a glass of smoothie.