Monday column: Achieving a work-life balance can be a challenge

Opinion Sunday 22/October/2023 18:21 PM
By: Saleh Al-Shaibany
Monday column: Achieving a work-life balance can be a challenge

Many people would say that they love their jobs but they equally love their families but achieving a perfect balance between the two sides is always a challenge.

Being a parent and husband or wife is already a serious responsibility. Whether the children are independent or still in your care, you still need to devote enough time for them. Then there is that space that you must reserve for your spouse.

But it leaves you trading between your family and the responsibility in the office. Work deadlines and meetings beyond the office hours can be daunting. As the job becomes more demanding, you feel you have to take a step back so you can spend more time with your family. Because, the way you are going, you get home exhausted and go straight to bed.

It is no fun to have your boss calling you in the evening or even in the weekend asking you to do some ‘top priority job’ while you are relaxing at home with your family. You can think of many answers to suit your mood but you refrain of putting them into words because you do not want to be fired.

Then there is this question. Do you maintain the necessary level of happiness while trying to juggle between work and family life? If you notice I said “trying” not achieving it. At work, you feel that need to deliver results to satisfy your boss. Most people do that because they want to stay employed. But another question to ask is this: Do you have the energy when you get back home to fill the hearts of your loved ones with joy?

So it is not about your happiness alone but the happiness of you family, too. But who is really to blame when it is not your fault? It is a hard question to answer. So is work-life balance a lasting cycle or we are just running around a circle? We know many people cannot get a sustainable and rewarding life balance. However, there is a solution for people who get caught into this toxic work-life balance but they must be brave about it.

First, get your priorities right. Carefully consider your options. Then take action to improve your life and the first step is to get out of your current routine. For example, take a new office role that has less demands on your working hours so that they don’t overlap your private time. You may even want to ask yourself a question that most people are trying to avoid. If you have to lose your job or family, which one would you choose?

We all hope it will not come to that. It is a threshold we all do not want to overstep. Both sides are important, though not equally important. So in the end, to have a quiet word with your manager about changing your role, will be the best thing you have ever done. If he refuses, then you are better off to start looking for another job that will give you a balance between your office demands and family life.