Oman at UN: Palestinian statehood imperative for peace in Middle East

Oman Wednesday 26/June/2024 11:56 AM
By: Times News Service

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman stressed that ending the conflict in the Middle East region can only be achieved by establishing the Palestinian state and granting the State of Palestine full and undiminished membership in the United Nations.

 This came during Oman’s speech delivered by First Secretary Mohammed bin Ali Al Shehhi, member of the Sultanate of Oman’s permanent delegation to the United Nations in New York, before the United Nations General Assembly during the discussion of the “Security Council Report” submitted to the General Assembly in New York City.

 The Sultanate expressed its regret at the failure of the Security Council to pass the resolution granting the State of Palestine its legitimate right to membership in the United Nations, which undoubtedly contradicts the international consensus to grant the Palestinian people their right to self-determination, and hinders efforts seeking to establish and spread justice and peace throughout the world.

 Oman called on all members of the Security Council to give the Palestinian issue full and fair attention, and to apply fair standards to everyone without exception, which is to respect international law and United Nations resolutions in a way that ensures the establishment and sustainability of the rules of security, stability and peace in the region and in the entire world.

 The Sultanate added its voice to the voices of other countries calling for a review of the working mechanism of the Security Council, especially with regard to the use of the veto, so that this use is done in responsible and legal ways that do not conflict with the noble and lofty goals and objectives of the United Nations in defense of international law and international humanitarian law and to preserve the legitimacy and credibility of this important international body.

 Oman welcomed the resolution issued by the Security Council to support the deal to reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. It called on all parties to take serious steps towards its implementation without delay. It also urged the international community to implement it and oblige the Israeli occupying state not to evade its responsibilities and international demands to stop the brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, in a way that leads to achieving the two-state solution and establishing the independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, in support of peace and stability in the region.