
20th annual Walkathon to support patients

Oman Wednesday 18/September/2024 14:48 PM
By: Times News Service
20th annual Walkathon to support patients

Muscat: The Oman Cancer Association revealed the details of its 20th Annual Walkathon aimed at supporting cancer patients during a press conference at the headquarters of the Oman Cancer Association in the presence of association's board of directors and a number of media professionals, and others.

The Oman Cancer Association organises the annual walkathon, which is an inspiring and impactful event where thousands of participants from all governorates of the Sultanate gather to participate in this charitable event, for spreading awareness and supporting cancer patients.

Dr. Wahid Al Kharusi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oman Cancer Association, welcomed the attendees, stating that the annual walkathon in support of cancer patients is an important event in strengthening social bonds and raising awareness on the importance of early detection of cancer and appropriate treatment.

Thousands of people of different ages and backgrounds come together to participate in a group walk to raise awareness and funds to support research and development of treatments.

The walkathon is usually organised in large cities and include events such as competitions, children entertainment, food, shopping and other activities that bring families and friends together in an atmosphere of fun and solidarity.

He stressed that the walkathon is an opportunity for patients and their families to connect with the community and share their experiences and success stories in facing this disease.

These events also enhance the positive spirit and optimism among the participants. Al Kharusi revealed the new location of the event, as this time it will be held at the Oman Automobile Association instead of Al Qurum Natural Park, where the Walkathon has been known to be held.

The Walkathon is set on a specific path that the participants walk down together, carrying symbols of hope and courage.

Participation in this march is an opportunity for individuals to stand together and be a part of an awareness campaign that urges support for cancer patients.

He also pointed out that the unisex t-shirt designed for the event will feature the walkathon logo prominently displayed.

Sameh Al Dahshan, media advisor to the Oman Cancer Association, explained the slogan, which is (No one fights alone), as this event is an opportunity for everyone to participate in a noble endeavour to combat cancer and raise awareness of the importance of early detection and proper treatment.

By participating in this walk, the spirit of solidarity and cooperation is enhanced, and individuals are motivated to take positive steps to maintain their health and prevent this deadly disease.

OCA’s Annual Walkathon reflects the spirit of resistance, challenge and hope. Seeing thousands of individuals walking side by side, expressing their solidarity and support for cancer patients, inspires us and reminds us of the importance of spiritual strength in facing challenges.

Finally, the Board of Directors of the Oman Cancer Association expressed their thanks and deep gratitude to the Omani government, led by His Majesty the Sultan, for the support and care provided to cancer patients.

They also thanked the sponsoring bodies and the Oman Automobile Association. Al Kharusi called on the media and other corporations to join hands to raise community awareness and support patients to confront this disease and by participating in these events, to raise awareness and raise funds that will be used in medical research and cancer therapy.

So, let us unite together and walk together to support cancer patients and contribute to making our community healthier and happier.