#OmanPride: Kamil Al Hinai, Gulf’s promising male model

More sports Sunday 26/February/2017 18:25 PM
By: Times News Service
#OmanPride: Kamil Al Hinai, Gulf’s promising male model

Did you know that the most successful male model from the Gulf is someone of Omani origin? Kamil Al Hinai is one of the very few models who made it to the heart of fashion, London, and knows what a glamour life truly tastes like. With attractive features, a well-defined physique, and a personality to match his great success, he has become an icon of inspiration to young aspiring models in Oman.

Kamil was born and raised in Muscat, and worked for the Oman English radio on weekends, and Oman Air before deciding to quit everything in 1997 and instead chase his true passion – modelling. Given our culture and the nature of this industry, this was a huge step. He tested the waters by walking for renowned designers in Dubai, then embarked on a journey of a lifetime to Europe, with an exceptionally strong determination to achieve success internationally.

Kamil’s beauty is undeniably fetching. Right from his ideal height to his striking jawline, he was seen as a perfect fit for the industry. “I was told that I had an interesting look for fashion,” said the model, adding, “I really didn’t think much of it as like most teenagers, I was still discovering who I was and wasn’t 100 per cent confident in my own skin.”

Kamil moved to Germany to explore the modelling scene there. It was in Germany that he perfected his catwalk skills and became acquainted with fashion and the people involved in this industry. He experimented, collaborated and worked on numerous projects with other creative minds, but as the modelling scene in Germany lacked diversity, he realised that London was the place to be since it is a fashion capital with people from all walks of life. His career blossomed shortly afterwards.

Modelling has a special place in our Omani idol’s heart and he compares it to being an actor and having the luxury to express oneself and convey messages using art, photography, and runways. To him, a runway on which the model walks is a platform for expression. Kamil has walked the runways for John Galliano, Gaultier, Gavin Pierre Medford, Calvin Klein and Armani, to name a few. He starred in ad campaigns for Denison Boston in London and New York, iPads, Vaseline, Toni and Guy, as well as various magazines.

He was also a judge in the second season of Oman’s Next Top Model, and was featured in Jawahir Oman in 2011, an assignment that meant a lot to him as it came from his beloved Oman. Today, Kamil is a life coach, focusing on the business side of fashion. As his career continues to soar higher and inspire youngsters in town, we cannot wait to see his next move.

“It’s natural for us to be afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone, and being a model, you have to do that all the time. It’s important to realise when you are standing in the way of your own success,” says Kamil Al Hinai.