Ask the doctor: Frequent mood swings

Lifestyle Saturday 20/February/2016 17:59 PM
By: Times News Service
Ask the doctor: Frequent mood swings

I am 45 years old woman and working for a private firm. I stay here with my family. From the past few months I have been noticing that I have very frequent mood swings. One moment I’m really happy and then the next minute I’m crying for no reasons at all. I even imagine people talking ill about me behind my back and I brood over it so much that it spoils my mood for the entire day. What could be the problem?

You ask an important question that a lot of women have asked me over the years. What’s happening to me? Why can’t I control my mood? Well the answer is it’s not about your control. It’s not a sign of personal weakness or that you’re going crazy. It’s about your biology. These appear to be perimenopausal mood swings with swings between happiness and sadness, with increased sensitivity and increased anger. These are the result of fluctuating ovarian hormones during the transition to menopause. Women with severe premenstrual symptoms in their younger years are more prone to severe mood swings during menopause. Women who have had clinical depression are more prone to relapse during menopause. It can range from mild blues to severe clinical depression. Remember help is available. Exercise and doing activities you enjoy can help you feel better. Postpone important decisions because generally negative decisions are made during the mood swings. Clinical depression needs you to meet a psychiatrist who could help you get the symptoms under control. -Dr. G

Dr Gerry D’Costa has an MD in psychiatry and a special interest in the areas of anxiety, depression, addiction, and children’s psychiatry. He has practised as a specialised psychiatrist
at Badr Al Samaa hospital in Ruwi for the last 9 years. Dr D’Costa offers advice and professional insights to the readers of Times of Oman. Send your questions to [email protected]