Oman's electricity regulator approves new-look bill

Business Tuesday 23/February/2016 22:36 PM
By: Times News Service
Oman's electricity regulator approves new-look bill

Muscat: A new design for electricity consumption bills to be issued by licensed distribution and supply companies has been approved by the Authority for Electricity Regulation.
These bills are issued by (Muscat Electricity Distribution Co., Majan Electricity Co., Mazoon Electricity Co., Rural Areas Electricity Co. and Dhofar Power Co.).
The new bill aims to provide customers with essential information in a simple manner on aspects related to their consumption. The Authority has worked closely with the electricity licensees and provided clear instructions regarding the type of information to be included in the bill and urged companies to adopt new technologies for communicating with customers for the delivery of their bills in a timely manner.
On the subject, the Executive Director of the Authority, Qais bin Saud Al Zakwani stated that: “The Authority continues to adopt initiatives with the objective of raising the performance of licensees operating in the electricity sector. Customer interests remain a focus area that we work to ensure are served in the best possible way. The newly designed bills took into consideration concerns and observations raised by customers, who we continue to interact with on a regular basis.”
The main objective of the newly designed bills is the provision of information regarding the quantity of consumption in a clear and adequate manner. The bills will also clarify the rights of customers and their obligations with respect to payment of dues during the specified period.
The Authority also hopes that the information provided will incentivise customers to use electricity efficiently as it will highlight the amount of subsidy provided by the Government to every customer.
We would like to confirm that the new design of the bills does not entail any change in the electricity tariff, but places the customer in a stronger position to make changes to their consumption levels, based on the information being provided.
The Authority would like to thank the sector companies for their efforts to promote the standard of services provided to the customers and their continuous work in this regard, which will contribute to the provision of better services and will address the issues, which are usually raised by the customers in their complaints.