
Saturday 27/February/2016 17:26 PM

Wellness in Oman: Garlic and its many benefits

Helps you to Lose Weight Garlic helps us in losing weight. According to recent research, garlic may help to regulate the formation of fat cells in our body...

Saturday 27/February/2016 17:18 PM

Oman health: Why stretching is important?

After a long period of inactivity, especially after getting up from our sleep, we often stretch instinctively. But have we ever thought is it a right thing...

Friday 26/February/2016 19:02 PM

Coping with exam stress in Oman

Butterflies in the stomach and worrying thoughts — “Will I be able to answer the questions?” “Have I done enough revision?” — are indications of...

Friday 26/February/2016 18:48 PM

Create your own original perfumes

Perfumes are made of many components, sometimes hundreds. Essential oils can be natural (from plants or animals) or synthetic. These oils are very strong...

Wednesday 24/February/2016 16:50 PM

Ubuntu for artists

It was a huge learning experience for the 24 artists from different parts of Dhofar Region who took part in a personal and professional development workshop...

Tuesday 23/February/2016 18:01 PM

A journey through the glories of London

From the descending aircraft, I saw the Thames flowing along in its unhurried journey, as the grey light of a winter’s morning uncovered the city’s...

Monday 22/February/2016 18:31 PM

One ingredient five ways: Chickpea

Eat them hot, cold, canned, or dried, chickpea is a versatile ingredient in the kitchen and can be made in various ways. While in the Middle East it is...