
Thursday 13/April/2023 11:47 AM

The impact of AI on travel

Ask ChatGPT to recommend places in Mallorca not yet overrun by tourists and it will suggest the well-known sights and traditional eateries that feature in...

Wednesday 12/April/2023 10:50 AM

In Pictures: Ramadan in India

Devotees recite text from Quran during the month of Ramadan, at Markazul Madaris Al Jamiatul Qadriyah, Trigam Shadipora Sumbal, in Bandipora in India. (Imag...

Tuesday 11/April/2023 20:58 PM

Fasting diet decreases type 2 diabetes risk

A fasting diet that promotes eating early in the day might be the key to lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.   Researchers from the...