Thursday 14/July/2016 11:47 AM

Funerals for slain Texas officers

Family and friends of the first three of five officers shot and killed by a sniper in Dallas less than a week before, hold funerals for those they've...

Wednesday 13/July/2016 19:01 PM

WATCH: Rain in Ibri

Camera phone footage sent to Times TV shows heavy rain in Ibri.

Wednesday 13/July/2016 13:44 PM

Britain's David Cameron: A Profile

A look back at the premiership of Britain's David Cameron, as he readies himself to pass the reins to incoming Prime Minister Theresa May.

Wednesday 13/July/2016 13:42 PM

WATCH: European Union migrant influx

EU migrant influx easing since April - border agency. The European Union's border agency says the number of illegal migrants entering Europe has fallen...

Wednesday 13/July/2016 13:24 PM

WATCH: Demining Colombia

With peace on the horizon in Colombia after 52 years of civil war, an enemy remains on the ground in the form of landmines. Nathan Frandino reports.