Chicago: US Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Saturday blamed organised "thugs" for protests that shut down his Chicago rally...
Glasgow: The Scottish National Party (SNP) will start building a new case for independence from the United Kingdom this summer, party leader and Scottish...
Beirut: The Syrian government on Saturday ruled out discussion of presidential elections or the position of the presidency at peace talks due to begin on...
Pohang(South Korea): US and South Korean troops staged a big amphibious landing exercise on Saturday, storming simulated North Korean beach defences amid...
Beijing: China's labour protections are coming under fire from high places as economic restructuring pits officials concerned about social stability...
HAVANA: The European Union and Cuba signed an agreement in Havana on Friday to establish normal relations, bringing the Communist-run island further into...
Beirut: Syria's main opposition group said it would attend peace talks on Monday but accused the government of President Bashar Al Assad of preparing to...
Baghdad: Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi asked political blocs in parliament and "influential social figures" to nominate technocrats as...